Wednesday 14 March 2018

Contemporary Debate on Mario Vargas Llosa views on political correctness and freedom

Contemporary Debates and Mario Vargos Llosa

 Mario Vargas Llosa image साठी इमेज परिणाम

Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa, (Mario Llosa)

His opinions  on the issues related to “Liberals,nationalism,popularism,Literature and morality, political correctness and freedom, challenge toDemocracy. His various views point of all . Mario Vargas Llosa is Peruvian Nobel Laureate. Peruvian born writer and political activist Mario Vargas Llosa received the Nobel Prize in Literature in the year 2010 ‘for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual’s resistance, revolt, and defeat’.argues in favor of liberal thought in references to seven influential author Adam Smith, Jose Ortega,Gasset,Friedrich Von,Hayek,Karl Popper,Raymond Aron etc.Ideologies that are enemies of freedom and which justify consider liberalism to be their most.facism and communism have attacked liberalism strongly and linking to conservatism.
Why  do liberals reject nationalism?
Nationalism also involves a kind of racism.if you belive in certain country or nation,race or religion it is prviledge a value of itself.basically racism involves leads to violence and suppression of freedom.
Democracy has moved foeward and human rights have been recognized bassically to liberal thinking.
Populism in modern democracies is best seen as an appeal to ‘the people’ against both the established structure of power and the dominant ideas and values of society. [Populist movements] involve some kind of revolt against the established structure of power in the name of the people.  populism challenges not only established power-holders but also elite values.  Populism understood in this structural sense can have different contents depending on the establishment it is mobilizing against.Where economic policy is concerned, for example, populists in one country with a hegemonic commitment to high taxation to fund a generous welfare state may embrace an agenda of economic liberalism, while other populists elsewhere are reacting against a free-market hegemony.
 liberalism is not an ideology, but rather an open, evolving  reality instead of trying to force reality to do the  among liberals. With regard to religion and social issues, liberals like ,
For example, there are liberals who believe that economics is the field through which all problems are resolved and that the free market is the for everything from poverty to unemployment, discrimination and social exclusion. These liberals, true living algorithms, have sometimes generated more damage to the cause of freedom than did the Marxists, the
Ideas  and  culture  are what differentiate civilization from barbarism, not the economy. The economy by itself may produce optimal results on paper, but it does not give purpose to the lives of people.
The free market is the best mechanism in existence for producing riches and, if well complemented with other institutions and uses of democratic culture, which, without the spiritual and intellectual component that culture represents, can reduce life to a selfish struggle.

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