Monday, 19 February 2018

Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling

Hello Readers...... Web quest task on the novel "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows "
This blog is as part of classroom activity:Web quest of Harry Potter
given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir

hARRY pOTTER IMAGE साठी इमेज परिणामHarry potter GIF साठी इमेज परिणाम

Name of Harry Potter  novels:

Brief overviews about novel
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British writer J. K. Rowling. The novel is revolving around the character of protagonist Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They are students of Hogwart (a magical school). Harry is an orphan child living with maternal aunt.
There is a mythical story behind Harry that he born to kill Voldemort as Hindu God, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna born to destroy such evil things from the world. There are rules in the school and Harry is a rule broker still he wasn’t got any punishment and considered good fellow. Hermione is innocent, clever & beautiful girl. She should be protagonist but it is anti-feminist text so power goes to male character rather than female. Ron Weasley is also helping character with his magic car to Harry. Throughout the novel he is a fearful character and jealousy of Harry in study and getting love from his mother. There are different blood relation are too presented. Such things are repeating but the power goes to different people in different situation so it seems J. K. Rowling has provided equal opportunity to all characters and therefore it is enjoying by spectator. Every part starts with home that student going to Hogwarts for studying and at the end they are returning to home. Fight between Voldemort and Harry is main thing which enhancing the plot of the novel. Whenever Voldemort tries to kill Harry, his mother’s invisible power, sacrifice and love stand to keep safe to Harry.


1)Harry Potter as Children Literature


Harry potter is children literature or fantasy book. Harry potter was lead main character of the J.K. Rowling book. Harry potter character is young or magical, super hero for children and like on the fantasy novel. Harry potter series was real, fantasy, magical literature. In children with optimistic narrative or sequence was darker pessimistic. All the scene were related to the magic and power of reality and a different world which is not possible into the real world also. So children like those things which related to power and magic or fantasy.
children's literature series of the 21st century, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Rowling told press that she "very consciously wanted to show what is one of the great evils of war, which is that totally innocent people are slaughtered"

Children Literature in this book Harry potter some element of children literature feature:
 Main character of children
,It literature give moral lesson, 
curious things.
In this novel we can see Harry potter is main character. And magic and unreal thing portrayal very well .all part we can find some moral and philosophical lesson in this novel.Curious things so many incenct like snakes are speaking  and spider and all.

2)The discourse of Power and Politics in "Harry Potter" Novel 
VOLDEMORT GIF IMAGE साठी इमेज परिणाम
power in Harry potter image gif साठी इमेज परिणाम

Power structure is constantly transforming from one to another and
that’s how space is given to every individual character. Hierarchical structure of school seems reality which constructed
through power. It gives the idea of ideal prison (ISA – Ideological State Apparatus). Magic is power to create fear or prohibition among character.

Power of Voldemort:

Without any comparison we can't understand the powerful or weak personality of something.
For Example: binary opposition 

Day                  Night
White               Black
Girl                   Boy
Protagonist       Antagonist

Witch and wizard have fear about Voldemort so they rarely utter Voldemort's name. Voldemort is aware about these all things but ultimately he wants immortality. If he thinks to rule over Hogwarts he can but he just wants to kill Harry. Harry also afraid of Voldemort's power but he is supported by supernatural power like his mother, professor Dumbledore and Hagrid.
"I can make things move without touching them. I can make animals do what I want without training them. I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me. I can make them hurt if I want to...I can speak to snakes too. They find me, they whisper to me. "
—Tom Riddle to Albus Dumbledore about the things he can do.
oldemort's character is merely to Abhimaniu of Mahabharata. Abhaimaniu can't kill if that thread is at his hand. Krishna disguise in rat and break it so he die otherwise there is no such power which can destroy him that same seems in “Harry Potter” as to destroy Voldemort first need to crush six Horcruxes. Harry is one of Horcrux so first he must die and then Voldemort can kill. When die or fainted down his soul met with Dumbledore and he gave choice that you want to die or fight. Than he chooses fight and again came back.
Througoht the novel it is not just talking about physical power but the power of magic or memory is represented. Memory of magic like how much people can remember and apply when the time comes.

If I talk about physical strength then Voldemort is elder and strong by body and as opposite Harry is a child and not capable to destroy Voldemort. J. K. Rowling shows the ultimate power of human beings.

“Only the wand can make them alive and destroy”

Voldemort starts searching powerful wand. He thinks that it was the wand of Professor Snap who first attacked so he killed him and grab that wand. In reality Draco first attacked which is fare ahead of Voldemort's guess. Harry knows about this so he got the power of Dumbledore through this wand and successfully killed him.
When Harry went to know the mystery of wand he got this type of idea that how wand works differently.

3) Feminist Reading of Hermione Character in Harry Potter 

hermione granger GIF IMAGE साठी इमेज परिणाम

Harry Potter" novel represent the feminist reading of character Hermione and other female.Harry Potter novels and the plot behind the books. Focusing on Hermione Granger , and using the lens of feminist criticism construction of gender in Harry Potter. Leading Women While Harry is subjected to some gender stereotypes,  shows that his masculinity is questioned throughout the book series. Harry’s role is pivotal but not without help from his female counterparts. For example, in the last book in the series, 10 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, women play a significant role in the climactic final battle.s, Hermione proves to be the only character who can use books effectively without putting herself or others in danger. Many feminist theories view hierarchical structures as part of the male dominated world and only a few accept the opinion that hierarchy is not necessarily connected to patriarchal structures  that Rowling's novels "feature females in secondary positions of power and authority and replicate some of the most demeaning, yet familiar, cultural stereotypes for both males and females"

4) Moral Philosophical reading of The novel "Harry Potter"

Moral Philosophical Idea of Harry POtter साठी इमेज परिणाम

“Harry Potter and Humanity: Choices, Love, and Death” analyzes how the Harry Potter novels bring to our awareness two fundamental parts of the human condition: the importance of our choices and the inevitability of our mortality. Lord Voldemort, in his ruthless search for immortality, refuses to accept his own humanity and, with it, his mortality; in fact, he openly rejects both. Klein argues that it this choice that makes possible both Voldemort’s irredeemable evil and his ultimate defeat. By contrast, it is Harry’s acceptance of his mortality that allows him to love and to embrace his humanity. This recognition gives Harry the power to defeat Voldemort. More than that, it makes it possible for Harry to develop into a realized, virtuous adult. In his acceptance of his mortality, “the boy who lived” is able more fully and wholly to live.

Works Cited

Ashti Anwar Muhammad, Asma Jasim Muhammad. "The Concept of Grotesque in Harry Potter." International Journal of Literature and Arts Vo. 3, No. 5, 2015 (2015).

Cynthia L. perri  "Harry Potter & the Riddles of Political Ideology." Arcadia University (2015).

 Polly L.Kotarba Harry Potter: A Link to the Fantasy Genre. Monday february 2018 <>.

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