Tuesday 8 August 2017

To the LIghthouse

 To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf ) Blog task

lighthouse image novel साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम

 Virginia Woolf has written one of the finest novel To The Lighthouse in 1927. Its a part of our study. As we study the novel, we found too much controversies. Because today's world and people's lifestyle and the most important thing, the position of woman is different in today's world. In this novel she has focused on two ladies characters; Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe. 

Here I am going to discuss some of the main topics of this novel. (To see the real study task click here.) 

( 1) What writer wants to say ?

Writer wants to say that, she reflects that human relations are worst between men and women.indeed,given the extremely opposite ways in which men and women behave throughout the novel.she has described the complexity of human relations in her novel.how we are forced to live as per the rules and regulation of society.The complexity which is seen in real life ,apart from some restrictions of thinking  there was also flow of conscious mentality ,,woolf got ideas to speak on th inner life of human relationships.,is having a shape by the writer's ability to write words without any reference.
The writer has used Stream of Consciousness technique to give her thoughts a material structure.may be used  techniques even work with the moving  action of the novel. female also highlighted her other female character gives chance to think on individually.
  Mostly she has stressed upon the freedom of thoughts of a women artist, whose voice is suppressed by saying that,represents a struggle against gender convention  by
   ''Mr. Tansley whispering in her ear, ''Women can't paint ,women can't write...'' Relations are also artificial.

       To the Lighthouse if we tries to see observes the various ways of looking at using our mentality what we understand ,Mrs Ramsay's character about the novel 's considering as a Tribute or Critique.second where Mrs Ramsay from very initial part of novel come as  worker  and hostess , where she serves her family.woolf  tries  to reflect,here responsibilities and must has to think about self identity.Mrs Ramsay is a house wife .she full-fill all the expectation of family members In the contrast Lily Briscoe's character is stressed more. Who is not married or not even caring how society will think about her.Mrs. Ramsay's place is limited.if we look at ideal women in perfect in that image.Here i am give example of Indian women reflected in goddesses of Indian like: Lakshmi,Dasi,Mantri,Rambha,Dharithri etc.we can see find these all things in one character of Mrs Ramsay,she is a perfect women .

  • "Closed doors, open windows"
          Yet  she think that she has a greater role than Lily,so she is ideal in a her own sense but not really.

Text is satirizing upon the minds of woman treatment and portrayal. 
''This is my house and I am controller''

 so i think all should be for critique Mrs Ramsay 's character with adptation Woolf  personal life. experiences.tribute can be there Mrs Ramsay can get think some space to present her voice.her family members who are missing her after death also and she becomes immortal at the end of the novel.

(3)Considering symbolically ,does the Lighthouse stand for Mrs. Ramsay or narrator( Virginia Woolf herself who is represented by Lily)?
Lighthouse is the center of the novel .and also Mrs Ramsay  stand for alone like lighthouse .Lighthouse  is also symbol of  spiritual strength  and emotional .Mrs.Ramsay.Lighthouse is once,illuminating and given light to everyone.In the novel Mrs.Ramsay play a vital role like lighthouse.she  also take care of other family member and all. she take care of husband and son.Mrs. Ramsay tells to story James.James loves to mother and hates to father.Mrs Ramsay death all remember all  the time.so Lighthouse symbolically stand for Mrs Ramsay.

lighthouse image with quote साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम

(4) Why did she weave such misogynist tale in to the fabric of a book which so eloquently challenges received patriarchal notions about the roles and the capabilities of women?

Because if women can't accept truth and always goes on with emotion ,then it is dangerous in relation .(  domestic violence in present time),and also understand this we have to subvert the fairy tale of fisherman ,here women acting with empathy but there is different between emotional level of truth ,and rational level of truth.Mrs Ramsay repeatedly insists the possibility of fair weather fairytale seems to be ironic and the fisherman 's wife keeps asking her husband to return to the sea and request more and more.thus we can say that both are parallel.

(5) Kunstlerroman :-

     Kunstlerroman term ,it deals with the growth and development of individual. it is also focus on the individual freedom.it term we can also apply in ''To the Lighthouse''it is appropriate for the character of Lily Briscoe.she not like to be Mrs Ramsay.she like to live in free way. and because she believes in free thoughts.Lily don't want to marry with any person.she enjoys her life with her own way and own way of thinking. so we can apply this term which is Kunstlerroman''.Lily Briscoe ,the painter in  the novel finally she has painted,she becomes painter in last scene. finally end of the novel Lily fulfil her dream.

Thank you.....

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