Sunday 20 August 2017

Flipped Learning of Existentialism

My Interpretation regarding Flipped Learning''Existentialism''

existentialism image साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम

 This blog is learning activity of Existentialism to see context link click here

What is Existentialism ?

Existentialism is a movement in 20th century philosophy and literature
that centers on the individual and his or her relationship to the universe
or God.this movement flourished in Europe.The basic idea of Existentialism
is I do whatever you want to do,means there is difference between 'My World'
(emotional) and 'Your World' (Logical). Generally our approach towards
society remains like this that ''My World is better than Your World''.
There are two ways of looking towards the society : one is Religious way
of looking and another is Secular way of looking.

It is true that Existentialism talks about the death idea but here death in the
sense the philosophical death. Every day we wake up in the morning,do our
routine work and end of the day goes to our bed.Apart from this we never
tried to think about existence that why I am here?Who I am? What is my
purpose in this human world? Among the most famous and influential
Existentialism proposition is Sartre's dictum. ''Existentialism precedes our essence''

Which is generally taken to mean that 'there is no pre-defined essence to
humanity except that which we make for ourselves.For example Sartre
human are fundamentally different from the all identity.Religious identity,
community identity, family identity,then we see the clash between all the identity.
Well-known names in field of ''Existentialism''
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Soren Kierkegaard
  • Nietzsche
  • Edmund Husserl
  • Kafka
  • Sartre
  • Alburt Camus
  • Beauvoir and Beckett
My interpritation regarding this activity, video of 'Existentialism'
something about some benefits that i gain after practicing Flipped Learning

In this video i understand the concept of Existentialism.
Existentialism central subject is Individuality.and also freedom and Passion.
Focuses on ideas that belive in God is Philosophical suicide.existentialist
emphasis the subject of emotion,anguish and despaire.


In this video Albert Camus ,saying that(Myth of Sisyphus and absurd reasoning)
    Life if full of absurdity.Camus say that commit Suicide is individual act. Suicide is ultimate
work of art. when we think about absurdity of life, you feel like darker side of life.



The Myth of Sisyphus (Philosophical Suicide) Camus say that existential attitude
is philosophical suicide.Reason is useless and there is nothing beyond reason.
The absurdity is everything which is accepts of death. For example Religion people
belive that something is beyond to reason but absurd people belive that reason is
useless and there is nothing beyond to reason.
Kierkegaard say that faith is solution to be absurd, philosophical reasoning,
problem of the absurd and struggle with that ,
' A totle absence of hope,
'a continual rejection ,
'Conscious dissatisfaction,
Absurd man knows there is no place for hope.


The fourth video is about the concept of dadaism(1916)
Dadaism, Nihilism,and Existentialism all are different from each other.
Dadaism is quest for change. We can say that the Dada is free of everything
and making our own valus ,rules. Also way of breaking everything.Dadaism
was response to world war -1,and just as Existentialism was response to world war -2.


 Existentialism as gloomy Philosophy notion of anxiety, despair,Absurdity
forces to solution of life.and life is full of anxiety.Neitzsche say that ''Be who
you are'' being as individual.


  In this video talking about misconception and nihilism.
Existentialism and Nihilism both are different.People confused because
Nihilism comes after extential thinking. That is why the existentialist critics would say that
our birth is not our hand so at least our death must be in our hand. It means
the way I want to die I must be free to do so.and that is why other critics
say that'' Existentialism is nihilism''And also there is minor difference between
existentialism and nihilism.

The movement existentialism is aroused in 19th century in Europe
and it coming after world war 2.Fyodor Dostoyveosky also father of existentialism.
Fredrich Nietzsche and Soren Kierkgaurd are founder of this movement. We see
this vedio he give the binary of human perspective and divine perspective.
According to Paul Satre say that human are different from the things. Existentialist
creat it own meaning of life.


     Existentialism stand for own thinking and only belive in yourself(Individual)
not other said. Neitzsche say that there is no moral values or rules to govern
you,but you can makes in own values and rules Neitzsche
give the example of ''Ubermensch'' which meaning superman. Superman
has do everything whatever he want to do.


    In this video views of Eric Dodson on why he like Existentialism. we can say
that Existentialism is express darker side of
life. Express notion like despair, anxiety and anguish.Existentialism is it appeals
intellectual but it also has totlly evocative.existentialist much more straightforward.
And also he says that honest shows reality of life,rebellion appeals in mind
and heart and soul.


 Existentialism is nothingness and meaningless.Existentialism anny of things can you
like to given meaning,someone give to idea and ,someone give to respons.
Human is to adhere to your essence,existentialism inbuled of essence.
'' Existence precedes our essence''.

From these videos ,I like video -1 because in this video,people are free to express
their views,desire and ideas in their own way of thinking. and this video give to 
three word stands for philosophy of Existentialism. Individuality,Freedom and Passions also.

This activity is very helpful to understand the concept of Existentialism.
activity of flipped Learning give me to see the Existentialism
to understand broder and clear way.and also improve my listening skills
and thinking skill.

Thank you........

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