Thursday 13 July 2017


Here my views about thinking activity of Poem 'Wasteland' as per my understanding.

Respected sir,

'The wasteland' is a masterpiece of renowned English poet T.S Eliot,poem wasteland modern epic in 20th century.
1) Friedrich Nietzsche,with concept of "Ubermensch" (superman) progressive and forward looking,and believe in faith and self only.he thought that self is more important then anything else.superman create his own way of life and this poem we can s say that T.S Eliot believe in spirituality and religion,because many symbols use in this poem in different religion like Hinduism,Christianity, Buddhism etc.
I think that ,Yes Eliot regressive compare with to Nietzsche views because Eliot goes back into past,and also Eliot use of various myths.myths always give to moral thought.Nietzsche thinks is more advance way of forward looking give to solution of contemporary problem,where as Eliot goes into past(backward) for the solution of contemporary problem.
For example ,Krishna and Christ other God who was such a superman ,who makes their own path,which was followed by people time to come,so the solution of question to developing with own sens.

2) Here define both ideas,we can say that Eliot and Freud thinking are opposite direction and both have thought different. Freud was psychologist his famous book "Interpretation of Dream". Also shows the collective unconscious. Thus both Freud and Eliot gave theirs views.Eliot views does not falsify Freud ,it is true that free vent to repressed primitive leads to happy life but should by limited.Freud has given to psychological interpretation and real problem not say wastelanders as doing.Excessiveness of anything is very harmful so Eliot also unhappy with that excessiveness leads to sexual perversion, barrenness,and spiritual degradation.

3) Illusions to the Indian thought in wasteland.
Wasteland has immense use of Indian philosophy and different mythical story.Eliot ultimately focus on Indian spirituality as well as Christianity, Hinduism,Buddhism.
Here use of various religion aspects
<The fire sermon part reflect the Buddhism.
<Holy Grail reference also shows Christianity aspect.
<Garden Frosty shows connection with Christianity.
<This words mention in Brihadaryak Upanishad,and solution of problem's and believe in self and will power,
Da< Data,giver
Dayadhvam< compassion
Damyata<self control
Man illusion from various myths 5part of wasteland (what the Funder said, taken from upnishad ,Gangs,Himvatand Da,Datta,Dayadhavm,and ends with poem Shantih,Shantih,Shantih.modern man is burning with desire passion,lust. That's why ends with Eliot say Peace that passes understanding.

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