Sunday 14 January 2018

One Night @call center by Chetan Bhagat

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One night @call center as popular novel gener साठी इमेज परिणामOne night @call center as popular novel gener साठी इमेज परिणाम

Chetan Bhagat One Night @ Call center
Chetan Bhagat is very much interested in depicting social issues and evils in his literary works. The author has painted the picture of the young generation of India and the malpractices in society in his all novels. “ Five points someone”( 2004) criticizes the Indian education system which is based on the bookish knowledge only .His second novel One night @call center (2005) depicts the Indian youth fighting against some odds for career in commercial sector. The third novel The 3 mistakes of my life (2008) throws light on the commerce and communal carnage on the name of religion. Fourth novel 2 states: The story discusses issue of cultural conflict. Fifth novel Revolution 2020( 2011) Love corruption and ambition the topic of corruption in education.

The novel ONE NIGHT@ CALL CENTER was written by very young popular writer Chetan Bhagat. ON@TCC-the novel follows dramatic unity of time, place and action which was given by Aristotle. This novel about story of one night in call center where six people are working Shyam , Priyanka , Esha ,Vroom,Radhika,Military Uncle and Mr.Bakshi the boss of the call center.

Social Realism in novel One night @call center:-

ON@TCC Is reflects thought of social realism. It’s satirize modern world and modern era of people “Youth” represent as a subculture. here in this novel Bhagat give the voice of subculture. Shashi Tharoor-Hokey Spiritual” what young people love to ?In this novel all character having power to think radically. they have not any burden from society ,parents or religion because here God help them to think radically. Bhagat is aware about the “ZEITGEIST” according to Shashi Tharoor.

 Effect of Globalization in One night @ call center

“ Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology”

Chetan Bhagat is such a novelist.who consider it his responsibility to appeal the young generation in India.he write novel based on call center. which is center of globalization. Although the call center is considered as boon for india which is facing the problem of unemployment.

All people have to create their fake identity :-

All worker forced to change their names to western one like,

Shyam Mehra –Sam Mercy

Varun Malhotra –Victor

Esha Singh –Elina

Radhika Jha
Globalization in a way of Thomas Friedmen, Suman Gupta, Sanjay Subramanium and Shaoba Xie views regarding globalization in novel. 
# Narrative structure of the novel One night @call center and “Life of pi”

narrative structure of novel one night @ call center and life of pi साठी इमेज परिणामnarrative structure of novel one night @ call center and life of pi साठी इमेज परिणाम

“One night @call center” in this novel follows the Greek narrative structure such as prologue and epilogue play very important role in the novel. second it is the first person narrative and Frame narrative , frame within frame .Story told by Shyam Mehra protagonist.

Here two stories are going on in the novel .one is main novel and another is prologue and epilogue. Writers travels Kanpur to Delhi at night. He meets with one beautiful lady, she tells one story about call center and then writer write a novel

Beginning of the prologue it was very interesting. He is travel in empty compartment and suddenly one beautiful women enters in the compartment. Then both are start to talk with each other their talk is create interest of writer to read novel. They both are talking first book. Their conversation attract reader to read his first book. Chetan Bhagat is famous for write about youth and their problems

“ON@TCC”,Chetan Bhagat AND “Life of pi”,Yann Martel

The beginning of the novel Prologue, both writer himself present in the prologue telling how they got inspiration about write their second novel. Both the writers meets person who tells them stories. Life of Pi in old man and ON@TCC in young Lady. And both the novel is first person narration Shyam and pi narrator and protagonist in both the novels. And also use of Aristotelian Unities

While in Life of Pi- pi tells a story to Japanese agents but after listing the story they were not ready to belive in it. So pi gives an alternative another story where he replaced animals with human beings and when Martel asks what is the correct story pi tells that which I told you. Now its your story you can write as you wish.

One night@ call center as self help book

self help book image साठी इमेज परिणाम

In the book all six character, who work in one call center and also every character suffer in their personal life.and also involve the theme of marriage ,family, conflict in changing India, and relationship of the young Indian middle class. here we see that all character present their real life situation of the people. In this novel we find that character of Shyam, who almost lost his love. character of Military Uncle who wants to talk to his grandson, Character of Radhika is in an unhappy marriage with demanding mother in law ,Mr.Bakshi who boss of the call center, all hate them because of their cruel and somehow sadist behavior. Chetan Bhagat shows reality of all people and their different problem.

The story takes a dramatic and decisive turn to literal Deus ex machine when the characters receive a phone call from God. also find some element of self help book.

We can say that self help book represent the reality of the time.Self help book show the real image of the society and we also learn in the self help book. self help books readers solve their problem and also improve their self. Self help book present way of culture. 

Chetan Bhagat all book we see that he give one activity on one page this page shows the self help book most important .Before you begin this book I have a small request. It reflect self help book.

God Inner Call or message to the group

Four things needs to success

1) a medium if intelligence

2) a bit of imagination

3) self confidence

4) suffering failure

One Night @call center as Cyberpunk

Cyber punk is a postmodern science fiction genre. Cyber punk is center on the conflict among hackers and artificial intelligences. This novel all character deal with cyber technology. All deals with Email, FM radio, Internet, Computer. Example of Vroom hacks Bakshi’s email and writes email to Esha on his behalf. so we can Say novel as cyber punk.

This novel anti-America? Context of Theme of Nationalism inON@TCC.

One night @call center novel reflects ideas of young India and their problem.theme of nationalism is show this novel.

“Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state’s decisions and actions”

In the novel character working in the call center name (WASG) “Western Appliances Strategic Group” Call center dealing withAmerican customers.

Vroom ideas are very strong Anti American so he say that
America suck the life blood out of our country’s most productive generation”
“ I should not taken up ma job just for money but only because the exchange rate is in the favor Americans. They toss their loose change at us. It seems like a lot of rupees but jobs that pay less could be better there could be jobs that define me, make me learn or help my country”- Vroom

Call to alarm to India."Once they get call from God to solve problem and the novel also about to call to alarm to India to the young people within it.

ON@TCC Novel as popular Literature

Chetan Bhagat is popular writer. His works in simple language that is easy to understand for the reader. Bhagat all books appels to young generation and their problem. this novel also show some situation like supernatural element example for God call .this supernatural element not happened in reality of real life. And highly reflect of philosophy of life.

Thank you....

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