Tuesday 30 January 2018

White Tiger by Arvind Adiga

White Tiger novel by Arvind Adiga

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white tiger novel साठी इमेज परिणामwhite tiger novel साठी इमेज परिणाम

Aravind Adiga in his debute novel "The White Tiger", which was awarded the Man Booker Prize in 2008.The book represent the brutal truths and realistic picture of India. is singular in its fictionalized portrayal of the relationship between Balram Halwai and his master Mr Ashok. The story exposes the poor-rich divide that surrounds India.Through this novel Arvind Adiga portrays a clear-cut idea of India in his debut novel The White Tiger.

How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?

 Yes I am agree ,The novel White tiger represent real  India.Adiga given image of Two India. ‘The white Tiger’ novel in narrator Balram talk about Wen Jiabao that India as two countries: The Darkness of India and The Light of India. Indian of darkness in northern part of India like UP, Bihar, WB, Jharkhand etc. in this place we find that people are so poor and rigid.  Here the ocean brings light to my country. 
   Arvind Adiga’s view plays a very vital role in Indian society and he shows the other facet of the Indian Culture. His literary genius is represented in the form of Darkness, Light, Corruption, Reality, and Authenticity of Class. One cannot deny that how Adiga has described the character of a common man; Balram Halwai, who becomes the central figure from the periphery with the development of novel. Especially, the concept of Rooster coop has been discussed marvelously which shows the inner sight of the writer regarding the Indian Society. Arvind Adiga represents a dark humor of modern life of India through the narration of the story of Balram Halwai. In other words one can say that it is a compelling, angry, and darkly humorous novel that provides ups and downs in the life of Balram Halwai. It creates two different Indias: “an India of Light and an India of Darkness.” It is the India of darkness which is focused by the novelist articulating the voice of silent majority trying to dismantle the discrimination between the “Big Bellies and the Small Bellies” and created a society based on the principles of inequality and injustice. It also talks about the Indian family, cast system, globalization, and individualism. Adiga  give the example  Religious point of views of River Ganga brings darkness to India - the black river.  We see in novel Balram talks about to the mother Ganga. And we see that the holy Ganga as river of India daughter of Vedas, this river of illumination, protector of us all and breaker of the chain of birth and rebirth. Balram talk about to the holy river Ganga as symbolize to darkness of India. Wherever it flows that area is the darkness and poor.

Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?
Rags to riches image साठी इमेज परिणाम

Yes i belive that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of "rages to riches because Balram success journey of  servent to entrepreneur.Balram poor boy become rich.

     example of movie “Slumdog millionaire” and the white tiger are same. Aravind Adiga tells the story of Balram Halwai, born 'Munna' in a shady village somewhere in India, that is supposedly the worst place to be alive at. And Jamal is also a poor man but at last he was rich. so here, we can say that Jamal and Balram Halwai as a man of ‘rags of riches’.

"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108). Is it possible to do deconstructive reading of *The White Tiger*? How?

White tiger novel can be applied the deconstructive reading .some loose points we can deconstruct that idea of novel this one line can be deconstruct whole novel." It is an Autobiography of half baked Indian"
Balram has killed his master and he become rich. Balram himself says that novel idea.

"Globalization" is the  context of novel White tiger

Aravind Adiga’s debut novel The White Tiger dramatizes the modern phases of globalization. The novel studies the contrast between India's rise as a modern global economy and the main character comes from the rural poor. Through out the novel Adiga comments about the first world influence on the third world countries.
 Global Phenomena
The Novel in modern time
 American atmosphere in India

 Balram plans to keep up with the pace of globalization and change his trade when need be.
 “I am always a man who sees “Tomorrow “when other sees “Today.” 
Individualism in Globalization
 Globalization has won in destruction of native culture, distribution of colonial power, and westernization. It has destroyed privacy in all fields. It helped to promote consumerist culture. It spread the concept that westernization is a part of civilization. Everything is superior if it is western liquor, girls, language, dressing. Globalization replaces the native culture by consumerist culture. Consumerist culture aims in the destruction of native culture and identity.



Sunday 28 January 2018

The Namesake novel by Jhumpa Lahiri

Novel :- The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
jhumpa lahiri novel साठी इमेज परिणाम

The Namesake is a heart wrenching story,portraying the strife involved in family,growing up the circle of life & one's identity. The novel opens with the birth Gogal,the protagonist.the reader is given background information pertaining to the lives of Gogol's parents & each character's story is presented from his or her own perspectives. Ashima & Ashoke grew up in Calcutta. They came to America as young adults right after they tide the wedlock which was also right after they met.Ashima in particular had a trying time adjusting to American society.this background information makes the readers more intimate to each of the characters individually. It also assists the reader to better understand the choices each makes throughout the novel & to better comprehend each of their identities.
When one steps into a new land one has a sense of wonder & adventure of the sight & feel of a landscape so distinct from what one has been attuned to,there is also a sense of isolation & fright. It's the poignant anguish of diasporic identity & the sense of alienation that Lahiri harps on in her novel.this feeling of inbetweenness is germinated from the cultural dichotomies faced by the immigrants. This is the one of the chief thematic concerns of The Namesake.

Theme of the Novel

* Name and Identity


United States vs. India

The novel is marked for it's lucid narrative & picturesque descriptions. The flow of language is perfectly in tune with the pace of the storytelling.
One of the most remarkable traits of the novel under discussion is it's craft of convincing characterization. Ashima as a typical, girl-next-door grkm Calcutta. Ashoke as a mature,settled NRI,Gogal as an American born confused Desi,Moushumi as an infield Lady etc.

Poem -Waste Land by T.S Eliot

The Waste Land" by T.S.Eliot

wasteland poem image साठी इमेज परिणाम     wasteland poem image साठी इमेज परिणाम

T.S.Eliot talks about poem " The waste land", This poem  is all about the western culture. His location and nation by the western culture. In this poem nothingness, infertility, wasteland and religious, cultural think in the poem. The waste land is a collection of five poem divided into different parts. The entire poem is archetype way also a poem made of collage of images.
     Waste Land

   wasteland poem image साठी इमेज परिणाम


1)        The Burial of the Dead
                         In the first part "The Burial Of The dead" T.S.Eliot talk about the myth of Sibyl (sibyl is a waiting for death). Myth of Tristan and Isolde and Hyacinth girl ( German opera, it is the flower name. The love and death connected in the myth).  At last T.S.Eliot talk about the Unreal City: London Bridge, death undone, etc.....
"Something different from either,
Your shadow at morning striding behind you,
Or Your shadow at evening to meet you,
He will show you fear in a Handful Dust"

         T.S.Eliot talks about the Red Rock. Red Rock is symbol of christianity.here, I Put my view in single line
"I Will Shaw You , Who Are You in Right Now?"
       The image of Madame Sosostris. She was a fashionable fortune teller. We can see in this image fond that the image of Christianity. The Christianity is connected with the city of London. London is the city of Christian. So I can connect the image of Madame Sosostris and city of London.

A Game Of Chess

game of chess wasteland poem साठी इमेज परिणाम

             The second part of "A Game Of Chess". A poem this section focuses on two opposing scenes, one of high society and one of the lower classes. In this poem Relations to Eliot his wife. How Eliot marriage life was not happy.

      3)   The Fire Sermon
wasteland poem Burial of death fire sermon death by water thunder said साठी इमेज परिणाम

 The poem 'The Fire sermon' we can say that the poem Boredom was one of the problam of waste land. The title of the poem 'The fire sermon' the sermon given by Buddha in which he encourage his followers to give up earthly passion (passion is symbolized by fire) and seek freedom of earthly thing. Also we can see in this poem there are many references like Bank of River, bank of Canal, Fisher king ( fisher king also suffering from bodies pain), Tiresias, a figure from classical mythology who has both male and female features. In this poem, ideas of Buddhism and Spirituality in the poem.

"Burning burning burning burning
O lord thou pluckest me out
O lord thou pluckest burning"
At last the section then comes to an abrupt end with a few line from St.Augustine's confessions and a vague references to the Buddha's fire sermon burning.

         The poem's next section which will relate the story of a death without resurrection exposes the absurdity of these two figures faith in external higher power that this section ends with only the single word 'burning' isolated on the page, reveals the futility of all of man's struggles.

4) Death by Water

Death by water and Thunder said wasteland साठी इमेज परिणाम

  The poem ‘Death by Water' it's create a archetypes image. The poem death by water describes a man phlebas the Phoenician who has died apparently by dreaming. In death he has forgotten his worldly cares as the creatures of the seen have picked his body apart. We see the poem in Phlebas as Eliot’s Friend.


             The narrator asks his reader too considered phlebes and recall his or her own morality. At last we can say that the poem reflect the Tragic water world.

5) What the Thunder Said

Death by water and Thunder said wasteland साठी इमेज परिणाम

 We can say that the poem what the thunder said says as taken from the UPNISHAD (Hindu fables). The poem reflect the Surrealistic image. The image of Cock. Cock symbolize something bright in our life. Here, also Eliot implies a path to regenerate the denizaens of the waste land E.g what the thunder said.

 Datta - Give
Dayadhvam- Sympathi
Damayata- Control
Eliot bring together the wisdom of the east and west and shows that spiritual regeneration can come, if only we had the voice of the thunder.  

        The poem ends with a series of disparate fragments from a children's song, from Dante and from Elizabethan drama leading up to a final chant of “Shantih Shantih Shantih" . The traditional ending to an Upnishad.