for Godot text and
Movie screening
here ,sharing my interpretation.... Blog link here
Beckett written by this play ''Waiting for Godot ''
Samuel Becket play Waiting for Godot is inspirational setting .and
this setting part of country road,evening.This painting ''Longing'
has significe in present something roots of the play in
painting.Casper David Friedrich (image setting )and pounder on the
past incidents in World War two.and rising of moon even signifies
the hope of Godot coming.
to the art critic Robert Hughes, in an article on Friedrich,
there is one word for the mood of Friedrich's picture it is
''Longing''- the desire,never satisfied ,to escape from the secular
condition of life into union with a distant nature ,to be absorbed in
it,to become one with the great other,whether that other is a
mountain crag,an ancient but enduring tree,the calm of a horizontal
sea,or the stillnessof a cloud''
Act 1 tree has no leaves tree was barren.but Vladimir and Estragon
more time passes to waiting for Godot but didn't come.A tree is
important in the play in first act subjects barrenness and
hopelessness. And second act few leaves grows to tree,this symbols of
hope,that Godot must comes and also suggest waiting for so long
time.and also reflection of nature is changing. and also reflects the
reality and nothingness. Tree is connected with the Hindu religion,
in many tree also polite but these are hidden symbols.In the play
waiting for Godot we can see that it in first act the tree was
looking barren because we could not find anny leaves into the tree.
It symbol in play important because it shows death.
In both acts ''evening falls in to night and moon rises.Every day is
same coming of night and moon,actually Vladimir and Estragon but
waiting for Godotbut Godot will never come.and also our life we are
waiting but nothing happened but our hope and desire is endless.
Setting of the play :-Debris in the setting of the play.the
play suggests the effects of second world war.Debris director wants
to shows the fragmentation of life and nothing.while viewing the
movie we also feel the fragmentation of pieces.this pause and
dialogues are very well captured by the director in the movie also.
''Nothing to be done'':-Nothingness show the thing in
character dialogues nothingness,there is something a hope,(A new day
will come with new desire that something frutful will come for
somebody in life.'Waiting for Godot',''Nothing is also better than
something'' in this play gives
a message that while doing nothing,doing something.Godot
there is waiting which has no any end or meaning,nothingness remains
in life. Nothingness keeping the center figure Vladimir and Estragon.
Estragon say : ''Nothing
happens, nobody comes, nobody goes,it's awful.''
Yes ,I agree with this point in play Waiting for Godot.
play not pessimistic,because we are waiting for something and think
that someone will come but finally no one comes.We can see the play
rubbish and meaningless. Waiting as theme of center in play ,but
nothingness is something does that waiting itself.This
play positive thought effect of idea of play. Hindu philosophy also
say that nothingness is every action ''Maya'' has no meaning but only
illusion.Karma the act of must be done.
7) In this play ''Waiting for
Godot'' props
and Hat)significance symbols.two props shows the connection between
writer and message.Hat on the head shows interllectuality
of person and boots shows psysical power(material
and hat may signs it well another is when pain on the they
feel it shows,suffer of life.
it seems that the obedience of lucky is extremely irritating and
is a slave of pozzo.Pozzo
is treating very rudely.this type of obedience is unbelivable.we see
in our human personality ,but if you blind faith in God is equally
unnatural like pozzo lucky relationship.
According to my point of views,Godot
is nothing.interpretation is possible that Godot is nothing but
God.Estragon and Vladimir have so many expectation from godot,when he
will come our all suffering will end.we all thought that Godot is
also God.Beckett,also say that as we compare with our life ,we all
are waiting for something. Life itself is nothing but waiting.
The subject of the play is not Godot but ''Waiting''(Martin Esslin,
''Search for the self) Martin Esslin argues that ''Waiting is more
important not Godot.waiting is essential human condition of life.
also say that all talking about Godot but Waiting is center in this
play.Godot is only symbol, metaphor,throughout our life ,we all
waiting something.
this play like a better understood by reading not by
requires a lot of thinking .
we can read in our own way ,but in this movie version it goes very
speedy.That not clear dialoguses in proper way,In
movie dialogues are spoken too fast it difficult to understand. Audio
visual is helpful in understand in better way. are spoken too fast it
difficult to understand. It also
that this types of play first to read rather than act.
12) Entire movie is
carefully presented with many intresting conversation between
Vladimir and Estragon killing time and Lucky and pozzo,etc
like the most in ''Boy
and Vladimir dialogues''
,even in the boy come ,is confusing that there is same boy or not?
This Vladimir and Boy conversation is very short.Boy mostly replies
in Yes or No only ,not give to answer.
Yes,In this play many time while viewing the movie i feel the effect
of existential crisis or meaninglessness in human being existence
in the irrational and indifference universe..Basically
the play 'Waiting for Godot ''is a absurd play. Here belonging and
purpose in nature.In the play first of all this is a kindly
experiment Beckett does with his play.Generally tramps are those
people who are out casted from the society.
desire connected with my desire of something,this desire.And when
word ''My come,Existentialism also come may be the character are in
search of Becket himself apply universal touch that maybe this search
of all of us .In our life each and every mode we are alwayes in
search of something,all the time we want something.(search
for self)
reading mainly concern with the French resistance to Germany.It was
an intresting political movement of cold war(Debris).here in this
context we find autobiographical things in this play.Samuel was the
disciple of james.and james who don't like the England. Here in this
play relationship of Pozzo and Lucky it presents master slave
relationship,Pozzo -Italian name Lucky-english name .and on
the other hand sadistic relationship of England and Ireland.
15) /16)
and Estragon talks about ''hanging themselves and commit suicide,but
they do not so ,because of hope that Godot will come tomorrow , and
he do will everything.
At last conclude with it that
A new day will come with new desire that something fruitful will come
for somebody in life.one or two ways it may be God ,fruitful desire
will come for somebody who is eagerly waiting that has noany end.
Thanking you........