Wednesday 20 December 2017

Mending wall by Robert Frost

ROBERT FROST mending wall image साठी इमेज परिणाम              Mending wall poem is written by Robert frost. He was born on 26 March, 1874. Robert frost was written famous and interest poem ‘‘Mending Wall’’ is published in 1917. He was first unusual and natural andAmerican popular poet. Robert frost was died on 20 January 1963. It is a neighbored and wall.Mending”wall, it keeps the relationship between the two neighbors in good Condition. Take up a philosophical analysis of the purpose of the wall. 

Robert Frost
ROBERT FROST mending wall image साठी इमेज परिणाम

Poem are two main important point.........
The Wall
The speaker’s neighbor

              “Mending Wall” is a Dramatic narrative poem. The narrator, a New England farmer, contacts his neighbor and between two farms. “Mending” considered as an adjective, the title suggests that the wall serves a more subtle function.

“I let my neighbor know beyond the hill”.
                The first line speaker begins with addressing the wall. Poem started with the the wall and they have main point of the Mending wall. The speaker sees both the practicality of maintaining the wall in some places and the impracticality of maintaining the wall where there is no physical need for it. That rather then poem divided the lines.  
 ROBERT FROST mending wall image साठी इमेज परिणाम
First lines are.......

Something is a wishy-washy world and just about anything under the
 sun can qualify as “something”  

          By using “something” instead of “someone” over speaker suggests that human are not the only wall-destroying culprit around. The speaker sees both the practicality of maintaining the wall in some places.

             Next is 2 to 9 lines analysis to water, hunter and their Dog freezes it expands. This process the boulders debilitate and leave gaps in the wall that even two can pass walking side-by-side. Speaker approve of this allows people to communicate rather than set up divisions between them. While they do this their dogs are yipping until the hunters get the hare. After the hunters have broken through the wall, the speaker then repairs it.

                       10 to 15 lines are speaker does 
not know when the wall was made spring
 Mending-time refers to a new born speaker fixes wall in spring. Apparently the speaker has a neighbor that lives over the hill “Wall between us” repetition emphasizing the wall irony on “wall” because it separates and brings together speaker and neighbor.

                  In the next line 16 to 19 repetition of “each” stresses their separateness and also the neighbor’ some what childish and attitude. They have to use a“spell” to have the boulders stay still so the wall won’t fall.

              Next is 20 to 24 lines are the
 Speaker and neighbor’s fingers are rough 
Because they   are  handling rocks. The speaker
 Begins to see  the wall   as a part of a game. 
Literal: the speaker is being playful with his
 Neighbor. The wall is not needed.  His 
Neighbor owns pine trees and the speaker owns apple trees.

                    In another are lines 25-27 His apple trees will not grow to a point where it will interfere with the pine trees. The speaker personifies the apple trees. 24 lines are…..      

 “Good fences to make good neighbor”

 ROBERT FROST mending wall image साठी इमेज परिणाम

"Neighbor wants to feel secure within own space, approves of wall, sees them as creation boundaries and fostering good neighborliness"

           28 to 32 lines are a spring makes the speaker mischievous baby learning messes with everything. If he can change  the neighbor’s mind about having a wall. Fences make good neighbors since no cows are there to build a wall. 
        Next is 33 to 36 lines are Wonders if the wall would offend anybody and Pun in “offense” or "A fence"
   Refers back to  1st line humans out there in the world that don’t love walls. Instead they want the wall down. 
          37 to 42 some natural thing in nature
That does not approve of the presence of the 
wall. His true “motives” are starting to 
Become clearer he wants to change the way his neighbor thinks...........
What is the purpose of the wall?   

 The woods in the aforementioned line are 
on the edge of hell. This signifies that the 
neighbor is on the verge of insanity.

 Last three important line are 43 to 46 
the neighbor's saying..........

 “Good fences make good neighbors”

           His father’s tradition, and he wants to keep tradition of the wall. He is not prepared to think beyond that which he has been taught poem ends with the Repetation of his father’s words.

            It is poem about two neighbors and Wall. If they can have dominant and personification of the way.“Mending Wall” is a poem that resists a literal reading. What begins as a simple poem about farm life becomes a criticism of all people whose perspectives are limited

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