Friday 3 November 2017

Assignment of ELT-1 , various method Grammar Translation method ,Direct method and Audio- Lingual method

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Name:- Khamal Krishna R

Roll no :-15

Batch Year:- 2016/18

Paper no:- 12 English Language Teaching

Email Id:-

Assignment Topic:- Various method of ELT-1),Grammar Translation Method ,Direct method ,The Audio-Lingual Method.

Submitted to:-Smt. S.B. Gardi, Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

Various method of ELT-1),

1)Grammar Translation method

2) The Direct method

3)Audio-Lingual method

ELT METHOD IMAGE साठी प्रतिमा परिणामELT METHOD IMAGE साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम

English Language is the most important language of India. After Hindi it is the most commonly spoken language in India and probably the most written and read language in India. English language used not only for communicating with outside world, but also inter-state communication. Because of the great linguistic and ethnic diversity found within our nation. English also serve as the communicator among Indians who speak different languages. English is very important in some various systems like –educational ,legal, financial and business in India. 

Teaching English has become equally important as the learning language. English language teaching pedagogy the three terms like that –Method, Approach and technique are used in interchangeably. Basic method assumptions about why and how people learn, shape the way in which language have been taught. Let us first see the basic meaning of Method:- 

“Methods are route maps in possession with which one can reach one’s destination without groping in the dark’’ 

“An approach is a set of co-relative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning” 

It is a generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Methods tend to be primarily concerned with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of contexts. 

Basically methods refer to the technique used by the teachers to teach any particular language to students. 

There are four method of teaching English Language. which are discussed in this assignment. 

ELT METHOD IMAGE साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम
(1)          Grammar Translation Method

(2)          Direct method

(3)          Audio Lingual Method

(1)          Grammar Translation Method:-

The Grammar translation method of foreign language teaching is one of the most traditional methods. It was originally used to teach ‘dead’ language  such as Latin and Greek. This is the oldest and traditional method of teaching English. Especially in India, this method is used as English is taught as Second language. In Europe, this method was used to teach Greek and Latin for several years. With the arrival of the Britishers this method was introduced in India. The emphasis in this method is mainly on translation of English words, phrases, and passages into and from the mother tongue of a learner.

  Ø Maintains close association between the foreign language and the mother tongue.
Ø Lays no emphasis on speech.
Ø Follows the adult’s logical way of learning a language.
Ø Teaches the language by rule rather than use. Teaches formal grammar from the very beginning.

Thompson and Wyatt gave three principles on which this method is based:-
(1)Translation interprets foreign phraseology best.
(2) The foreign phraseology is best assimilated by the learners
      in the process of interpretation.
(3)The structure of a foreign language is best learnt when compared and contrasted with the mother tongue
Characteristic :-

@  A Focus on learning the rules of grammar and their application in translation passages from one language into the other.@ Vocabulary in the target language is learned through direct translation from the native language ,it is taught in the form of isolated word lists.
 Principles of this Method:-

(1) *Literary language is superior to the spoken language.
(2) *The authority in the classroom is the teacher.
 (3) *Translating each language into each other is an important goal for learners.
(4) *Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active use of the target language.
(5) *Grammar provides the rule for putting words together, and instruction often focues on the form and inflection of words.
  (6)* Much  vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words.

Let us see Advantages and disadvantages of this method
     Grammar Translation Method
Ø   Increases the vocabulary.
Ø   Makes teaching activity
      Very  easy.
Ø A strong memory bond is established.
Ø Save time and energy.
Ø Clarity in understanding of words.
Ø Can  be easily used in overcrowded.

Ø Skills like speaking and listening are not emphasized.
Ø Literal translation ruins the charm of language.
Ø It presents students from thinking directly in English.
Ø It gives rare opportunity to students to practice speaking.

Ø All the words and phrases cannot be translated and if it is done it might create a blunder. For example: there are some words like “Sindoor”, which cannot be translated due to cultural context. If it is translated it will lose the essence. When we translate sentences from our mother tongue into the target language, we unintentionally translate those structures which are untranslatable because they do not exist in the system of the target language.
Ø There are different typical techniques of this method which enables learners to learn English language.
Ø ·       Translation of a passage
Ø ·       Antonyms/ Synonyms
Ø ·       Cognates
Ø ·       Fill in the blanks
Ø ·       Memorization
Ø ·       Make sentence
Ø ·       Composition

Direct Method :-

Direct method is the method through which students learn to communicate in the target language and not involving L1 in the language learning process.

ELT DIRECT  METHOD IMAGE साठी प्रतिमा परिणामDirect Method  is also known as
·       Natural Method      
·       Phonetical Method
·       Anti-Grammatical Method
·       Reform Method

This method is also known as Natural Method; because the characteristics we observe in language teaching is similar to
acquisition of L1, but it was very difficult to bring exact environment in which L1 is acquired. So later, the same method became popular as the direct method.
This method was a reaction against the Grammar Translation Method. In Grammar Translation Method, the focus was mainly on grammar. The learners were acquiring the knowledge of the grammar instead of the language.
The method originated in France in 1901. The principles of this method came from Germany and were popularized by the international phonetic association of France.
According to H.Champion,
The direct method is a method of teaching English directly; is to establish a direct or immediate association between experience and expression, between English words, phrases or idioms and its meaning.”
  Basic Principles of Direct Method :-

(1)                Classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the target language. The teacher should demonstrate, not explain or translate.
(2)                Only everyday vocabulary and sentence are taught basic vocabulary  is given first.
(3)                Vocabulary is taught through known words, demonstration, authentic objects ,pictures and miming.
(4)                Grammar is taught inductively. There may never be an explicit grammar rule given.
(5)                New teaching points are introduced orally. Oral transmission.
(6)                Both speech and listening comprehension are taught.
(7)                Learning as self correction.
(8)                Correct Pronunciation is emphasized.
Advantages of Direct Method
1.   It emphasizes oral and speech practice, right pronunciation, stress etc.
2.   It makes direct association between thought and expression.
3.   It makes learning easy and pleasant.
4.   It can help cover more content in less time.
5.   It is more suitable to teach idioms.
6.   It is psychologically sound as the procedure is from concrete to abstract and from particular to general.
Disadvantages of Direct Method

1.   It gives over emphasis to oral work.
2.   It is less effective for average or below average students.
3.   It is expensive or hard in respect of teaching aids.
4.   It does not  give the required emphasis for gradation of materials.
5.   There will be lack of competent teachers to teach in this method.
6.   Course books or source books may not be available as required.

v  The Audio- Lingual Method :-

ELT aUDIO LINGUAL   METHOD IMAGE साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम

The Audio –lingual method is used to improve communicative competence in learners. It is the most effective way for to learn language in an interesting way through different skills. This Method  was initially called the Army Method. and was the first to be based on linguistic theory and behavioral  psychology.
               Based on Skinner’s Behaviorism theory, it assumed that a human being can be trained using a system of reinforcement .Correct behavior receive positive feedback. while errors receive negative feedback. Emphasis is on the acquisition of patterns in common everyday dialogue. The Audio –lingual method is the product of three historical circumstances. for its views on language , audiolingualism drew on the work of American linguists such as “Leonard Bloomfield” Audio lingual method was the outbreak of world war. which created the need to post large number of American servicemen all over the world. it was therefore necessary to provide these soldiers with at least basic verbal communication skills.
The Audio-lingual Method is still in use today in different ways through blogs, flipped learning, YouTube and much more. Nowadays many courses are available online also.

Basic Principles of  this “Audio Lingual Method”:-
 (1) Instructions are given in the target language.
(2)          Language forms occur within a context.
(3)           New material is presented in dialogue form.
(4)           There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and over learning.
(5)           Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and  taught one at a time.
(6) Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. (7) There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is    taught by inductive analogy rather than deductive explanation.
 (8) Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context.
There are many advantages and Disadvantages of this method:-
*  Advantages of Audio -lingual Method:-
·       It can be used in medium sized classes.
·       It can be used at elementary and intermediate level.
·       Listening and speaking skills can be improved.
·       Learners can form grammatically accurate language.
*  Disadvantages of Audio Lingual Method

·       Confident teachers with student
·       Fluency of language are needed.
·       Repetition can be very boring and meaningless.
·       Reading and writing  are neglected as an independent form.
·       It requires more time in preparing these activities.

·       Typical techniques of the audio-lingual method: -
·              Dialogue memorization
·              Backward build-up
·            Repetition drill
·             Chain drill
·             Single slot substitution drill
·              Multiple slot substitution drill
·              Transformation drill
·              Q/A drill
·            Use of minimal pairs
·              Complete the dialogues
·            Grammar games

  Conclusion :-

     This all method  is useful in Teaching of English language .these are the three methods which are used for English Language Teaching.(ELT).



Works Cited

Method, English teaching. English Teaching Methods, and techniques. 2011. 2017.
Rodgers, Richards Jackc and Thedore. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching ,Cambridge University press. 2001. 2017.


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