Thursday 29 June 2017

Movie Reviews


 Movie Reviews of Two movie 1. ''The Modern Time'' and 2. The Great Dictator''

            As part of study of Modern literature.we have seen this two movie like The Modern time and The Great Dictator by Charlie Chapline.this two movie based on socio political satire and also financial condition of modern people.

1) The Modern Time

  The Modern Time  comic satire  movie and directed  by Charlie Chapline.In this movie all character struggle to survive industrialization world and modern time.and also this films commented on the financial condition and employment many people face Great  depression  condition of this movie.

         The moder Time display Charline as factory worker and employed as assembly line.Assembly line where he was screws nuts increasing rate into machinary by humanbeing.when we look at the all factory member all are search for the happiniess in life but here character of chapline is all time happy and humarious.and we also show that when we run with croud without any aim don't have your individual identity which shows in Nothingness.

charlie chaplin photos The modern time साठी प्रतिमा परिणाम

Here this movie also symbolise' Road journey'.and life deep symbol of persuit of happiness and quest of happiness.nothingness and meaningless life of person.also simpthaies capitalist ideology.and also reflect marxist and socialist.

2) The Great Dictator :-

          The beginning of second world war,W.H Auden poem September 1,1939.The great dictator Adolf Hitler and other great dictator Hynkel.both have conflict between two communities Jews and Aryans. this movie starts with war scenes and also political satire. whole movie political satire of figure  and speech of action. world war time Hitler ruled over all innocence people.
     Hitler also ruled over Jewish and  Barber people.charlie display  dual roll in this movie.Nation is great but other people  suffering also a lot.this people suffer a amnesia (Psychologically trauma) short memory in 20th century.

      In the end of the movie ,we see one dictetor  give to very good  speech in all gathering people.he also talk about unity and democracy.he give to speech about to awakning people to modern era.
           so, both movie connected with modern period.

     Thank you.... 

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