Saturday 4 March 2017

Respected Sir ,
Here ,my response in' Literary Theory of Structuralism'

Structuralism is a method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human nature,behavior,Culture, and experience. In literary criticism is movement of structuralism was inaugurated in 1950 by cultural anthropologist like Claude levi strauss,however father of structuralism is Ferdinand de Saussure.

Definition of Structuralism:-
According to critic Pramod k Nayar: '' Structuralism is from of criticism which sought to understand a work of art in the context of structure''.
Language used to 'condition of mind (identity) , not to communicate.
Meanings ''given'' towords are:
2 Conventional
3 Relational
4 Constructive / constructed
Ferdinand Se assure use two way of words looking at Context of Language:-
1. Diachronic – Looking at words in Etimology of words and begning and start up in words.
2.Syn chronic – Looking at word in todays words meanings.
Application of Structuralism;-
2.Narratology- Gerard Genette
3.Codes- Rolad Bathes
< 1 > The proairetic Code- Indications of Actionsand resolution
<2> The hermenutic Code – indication of narrative suspens and anigma ,puzzle,unanswer.
<3> The Cultural code -It Traditionaly and stereotypes
<4> The semic code -It is also called ''Connotative code''sumgling and hidden meaning.
<5> The symbolic code- it is a binary midnight /daytime.
Most of hindi films or literature are same example like Boy and Girl love each other but family is against it , or vice versa of family. We also find the binary opposition in every where like Good /Evil, Male /Female,God /Satan,White /Black, etc.
You can know that most of films and T.V Serial based on Structuralism and narratology. PK and OMG are based in structure and narratology. ''Savdhan India Fights back '' has the same idea to present in a sequence.No doubt there is long duration of that but yet stricly follow the pattern of three -Begning,,middle and end.

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